Film is Pretty

I shot these photos of my boys camping in the back yard a couple of days ago.  And I know I say it all the time, but here it goes again.   Film is pretty.  And  when I'm working with it, it makes me feel like a photographer!  (which I know sounds silly)  But I love the process of it.  I like loading the film. I like metering. I like dropping it off at the lab.  And when I pick it back up... it's done!  I don't have to sit in front of the computer and mess with it.  I just pick it up, and it looks pretty.  Really pretty. So, if any of you out there would love for me to shoot your family in film, please let me know!!!  I'd love to do it!  Really!


all images were shot on a Mamiya 645 using Kodak Portra 400 and processed at Moonphoto