Posts tagged award winning newborn photography
How to Prepare for Your Newborn Photo Session | Seattle Newborn Photographer

There is nothing like those first few days at home with your new baby.

So full of love. So full of awe! And SO tired! Ha! I remember it well!

It’s seems like everything you do, even just simple every day tasks, is new. No longer can you just go hop in your car and run to the store, for example. Now you have to get the baby ready, fed, diaper changed, in the carseat, buckled… then you can go out to the car and to the store. It can all be overwhelming to say the least.

I recommend that families come in for their newborn photos within the first 10 days. And I know how hard it can be to just make it out the door in the early days! So let me help make it a little easier by sharing what you need to know to prepare for your newborn photo session.

how to prepare for your newborn photo session with Sandra Coan, Seattle newborn photographer

How to Prepare Your Baby

Try to change and feed the baby right before you leave. A dry and well fed baby will likely fall asleep in the car on the way to the studio, and I’m REALLY good at being able to get sleeping babies out of the carseat and onto the bed at my studio without waking them up!

Most babies who come to the studio asleep will stay asleep for their entire session!

How To Dress Your Baby

Don’t worry about bringing fancy outfits. I find that newborns are best photographed in a simple swaddle or in just their diaper. So save yourself the trouble, and leave the outfits at home.

Feel Free To Bring Heirlooms And Special Items

Yes, I know I just said that I prefer to photograph babies in just their diapers, but if you have the blanket you came home from the hospital in or if Grandma spent eight month hand making something special for the baby…. bring them! Those things are important and I will do my best to incorporate them into your photos.

Expect To Be In The Photos

How to prepare for newborn photos with Sandra Coan, Seattle's best newborn photographer

I always take a few photos of the parents with their new baby at each session, so come prepared! I find that neutral colors work best, and try to stay away from clothing with patters or logos.

Have Fun (And A Sense Of Humor)

My goal is to have your newborn session be relaxing and fun, but sometime newborns have their own plans.

If your baby cries. If they pee or poop on the studio bed, or even on me…. it’s okay!! I’ve been working with newborns for almost 20 years, and I’m the mother of twins. I’ve seen it all and nothing phases me… I promise.

Your photo session is a time to celebrate your baby and your new family! So enjoy it!

Oh, And One More Thing

If despite your best made plans, things happen and you’re running late, no worries… just give me a call or shoot me a text to let me know!

And if you have any other questions about now to prepare, fell free to send me an email at