My Story

This is the first maternity photo that I ever took.  It is of my dear friend Ginger, when she was pregnant with her first child; a little girl.   Well, that little girl is now ten (and a half) years old!  I can hardly believe it!  My life was so different then.  I was teaching kindergarten.  Photography was something I did for fun.  It was my hobby.

But Ginger, along with two of my other friends (Angie and Ursula),  suggested that I offer my services as a photographer to other pregnant women out there.  This was way back in the olden days and maternity photography was not really around like it is today.  I had no idea if other women would be interested in such a thing.  And I had no vision in my mind as to what maternity photos should look like, but the idea was thrilling to me nonetheless.  So I took Ginger's photo, made it into postcards with my name and number on them, and hit the mean streets of Seattle, putting those cards in every coffee shop, and every maternity store that I could find.  And the most amazing thing happened!  People started to call me!!!   It was incredible.... and I was terrified. 

Well, within six months I was booking enough clients that I went down to part time teaching.  Within a couple of years, I quit my teaching job entirely and launched Sandra Coan Photography.  The rest, as they say, is history.

I feel so incredibly lucky that I get to do what I love for a living.  I also feel beyond lucky to have amazing women in my life who are there for me as friends and Muses, and who can imagine things for me that I often times can not image for myself.  Thanks ladies!