Introducing Stephanie White to the Sandra Coan Team!

I am thrilled to introduce you all to our new associate photographer, Stephanie White!

We are so lucky to have Stephanie White join the team, and once you have a look at her images, you’ll understand why.

She has a simple, laid back approached to working with kids and families and we can’t get enough of her clean, minimalistic style!

Stephanie is a life long photographer, but has been a working professional 2015. She is a single mom to two beautiful boys and lives just outside of Salt Lake City Utah, which means she’ll be flying in to see clients on specific dates. (Fancy right?!)

Her schedule is limited!! But trust us, she is well work the wait!

Follow this link to get on Stephanie’s schedule. And check out her beautiful work below!

Click on the images to scroll

A note from Stephanie

Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie and I'm a family photographer based in Salt Lake City, Utah. I have the opportunity to work with Sandra and can't wait to meet all of you and get to know the amazing families of Seattle!

For me photography is the door to so many things. It's the door to meeting new people on a regular basis and a way to see this beautiful state I live in, Utah. I have learned so much about myself and I have learned what I am capable of. 

I have been a photographer for 7+ years. Because Utah is stunning and has beautiful locations all year round, I started mainly doing outdoor/on location sessions. I fell in love with studio work after finding Sandra's work about 3 years ago and have been learning all I can ever since!

So excited to meet and work with all of you!